The Xpert Translator makes the translation of documents very easy! The selected documents are sent to Transenter’s online translation services via a secure connection. You have a choice of translation options (machine or human translation) and target languages. The source language is automatically detected. Transenter’s platform provides both highly secured automated translation and professional quality human translation that leads to a reduction in both time and financial costs within the translation process.
The Xpert Translator in 3 steps
- Select the files to be translated. The files can be selected in windream or Windows Explorer (also with CTRL or SHIFT).
- Select the translation type(s) and the target language(s) and send the files to Transenter for a price quote.
- Accept the price quote or make changes. If the price is accepted, translate the documents! The documents are returned via a secure connection.
- The Xpert Translator is started by right mouse click on the selected documents.
- The documents are sent and received via a secure connection. The documents are protected from espionage via the Lingosec – sensitive content protection software (LT-Innovate Award 2014)
- More files can be translated at once.
- The target language and translation type can be set for each individual document.
- windream rights are used to set the rights for using the translation services.
- windream versioning can be used for tranlated documents related to the source document.