The Xpert Portal offers secure access to your company information!
Anywhere in the world secure access to your customer and project files. The portal contains several modules, is multilingual and scales automatically to PC, tablet or smartphone. The Xpert Portal can be customized with your company logo.
Xpert Timesheet – simple mobile time keeping
With Xpert Timesheet, booking hours on projects becomes child’s play. It is also possible to book hours on assignments or work orders for Gilde users. Because the work schedule can be set, overtime and hourly rates are automatically assigned. It is possible to book a whole day at once, copy a week or book an entire period at once for holidays, for example. The indirect hours, travel times and kilometers are not forgotten either. When a day or week is complete, it can be submitted to the supervisor for approval. This is followed by export to the ERP system.
Xpert Invoice – webbased invoice processing
With Xpert Invoice it is possible to process purchase invoices easily and quickly. The basic solution can process XML, UBL2 and PDF invoices, match invoices to orders and goods receipts and create default bookings. Web services retrieve data from your financial system so that you can easily split and process a booking. In the archive the invoices and processes are kept and even book numbers can be searched for. The optional workflow module enables internal control and approval.
Xpert Docs – secure mobile access to your documents
Xpert Docs offers direct access to documents on your Windows company server. Or your windream server. Browse project folders via the explorer, view files via the built-in viewer and upload and download files (including photos from your smartphone). There is also an extensive search function. Xpert Docs also includes functionality for sharing files with customers and partners where the access of the end users themselves can be managed on the website.
Xpert Forms – mobile forms
Design your own mobile forms. Use the Form Builder to create and test your forms using standard components. After testing the forms can be published and used. Adding photos, attachments and placing a signature belong to the possibilities. Forms can be changed and a new version can be published.
Xpert Workorder – automatic processing of purchase orders
Purchase orders that are received by e-mail in PDF or XML format, are processed by our scan/recognition software and are created as (work)orders in your ERP- or Gilde system. That saves time and money from typing the orders into the system!
Contact us for more information about the possibilities or a test account.