Time keeping on your phone?
With Xpert Timesheet you can easily and quickly register hours on your smartphone! Simply look up the customer, project or work order and enter the number of hours. Travel time and indirect hours such as vacation and ATV can also be entered. The application takes your working hours and contract hours into account. The website automatically adapts to the screen and can also be used on a tablet or desktop. Entered hours can be checked and approved by a manager and then easily imported into the time administration of Gilde Projecten or other ERP systems via XML import or directly via a REST API (if available).
Time keeping functionality
- Enter direct and indirect hours. Customer and order data can be looked up in the ERP system
- When booking, enter start and end time, hour type/rate, activities, surcharges (weekend, overnight stay), travel time and/or distance, own car or company car, route
- Book for a whole day or a period with start and end date
- Copy from last week
- Overview of entered hours and overtime versus contract hours
- Hours can be offered to managers per day or per week
- Automatic notifications possible of days or weeks that have not been completed in time or in full
Approval functionality
- Control of the hours offered by the employees versus contract hours
- Approval and rejection of hours, whereby comments can also be made when they are rejected
- Adjust hours yourself, whereby a reason can also be entered
- Rejected hours can be adjusted and offered again by the employee
- Overview of all entered hours of employees over an adjustable period and export to file or email